Monday, October 6, 2008

Someday you will be a great mother!

Someday you will be a great mother!
Today my sister-in-law came over. We don't see her too often. Currently she is attending the local University. School and work can be very demanding. I completely understand how busy that can keep a person. My children love her. It might even be safe to say as much as or more then they love me. Why? She is amazing. Sandra has a way of making each of them feel so special. Today not long after her arrival, Secily and Sandra found some old scraps of fabric in one of the closets. The next thing I new she and Secily were cutting, designing, and sewing by hand fashions for Secily's Barbie dolls. Wow!! Like I would have ever thought to do that with my old junk.
Sandra grew up very poor. Nothing was ever wasted. Even the tiniest scrap could be turned into something wonderful.. I have seen her create the most amazing things out of something I would probably throw in the trash. It really makes you stop and think about how much we really have. We are such a spoiled society. Our trash is a treasure to many people in other lands. We complain that we never have enough. But come on, think about it. We have sooooo much! I feel very inspired today by my sister- in-law.
To make it do or do without. That is the question. These are very unsure times in our economy. Maybe it's not a bad idea for all of us to look in our closets and see what treasures lie inside waiting to be given a new life. The time you spend with your children doing this will be unforgettable for you and your child. Your time is more important to your children than any toy you could ever buy them. Thanks for reminding me of this today Sandra . You are so creative. The love you have for my children is so evident. I know that you would like more than anything to be a mother. You will be a excellent mother. I only hope this opportunity will come to you soon. I love you! You are my hero for the day! Thanks for loving my children so much.
Many of you may never have the opportunity to be a mother. I will never know the pain you have had to bear. But don't think for one minute that your influence is not felt each and everyday by the young people all around you. So many children is this world are in need of your love, talents and encouragement. I know if you pray to be guided to those kids around you in need, you will find them. Good luck in your efforts to make a difference in a child's life, whether it be your own child or a special child in need of you.